Orders Report

This chapter contains the following topics:

Printing the Orders Report

E.D.I. Status Report

E.D.I. Import Errors

E.D.I. Export Errors


Printing the Orders Report

Use this selection to print a report of open and orders to optionally include posted orders. You may also print open quotes, loans, rentals, and RMAs. Several different reporting sequences are provided.

Because it can include history it may be used as a daily sales report.

See an Orders by Order Number Detail example in the Sample Reports appendix

Select Orders from the Reports menu.

The following screen is displayed.

Character Mode

Enter the information as follows:

Starting order number

Ending order number

Enter the range of open order numbers to be included on the report. Follow the screen instructions.


You may use the following option:


For “First” and “Last” order number at Starting and Ending order number fields


Up to six digits


Press <F2> for the "First" and "Last" order number

Starting order date

Ending order date

Enter the range of dates of the orders to be included in the report. The dates refer to the date the order was created.


You may use the following option:


For Earliest and Latest at fields #3 and #4




Press <F2>

Starting ship date

Ending ship date

Enter the range of ship dates of the orders to be included in the report. Follow the screen instructions.

You may use one of the options:


For ASAP. When selected, it will fill in both the starting and ending ship date with ASAP.


For "Earliest" or "Latest"




Press <F1> at the Starting ship date field

Starting item #


15 characters

Ending item #


15 characters

Enter the range of item numbers to be included in the report. Follow the screen instructions.

If a specific item number range is entered, only orders containing the specified items are shown.

You may use the option:


For "First" and "Last"


Up to 15 digits


Press <F2> for the "First" and "Last" item number

Starting service number

Ending service number

Enter the range of service #s or press <F2> for "First" and "Last" or use the option:


Press <F2> at both fields.

Starting customer name

Ending customer name


Starting customer number

Ending customer number

Enter the range of customer names or numbers for whom orders are to be printed.

You may use one of the options:


To specify customer # range or to toggle back to customer name range


For “First” and “Last”


Up to 50 characters for customer name

Up to 12 characters for customer number


Press <F2> at both fields

Starting sales rep. number

Ending sales rep. number

Enter the range of sales rep for whom orders are to be printed.

You may use one of the options:


To specify sales rep. name range or toggle back to sales rep. number


For “First” and “Last”


Up to 3 characters for sales rep. number.

Up to 25 characters for sales rep name


Press <F2> at both fields

Order type

Enter the letter corresponding to the type of orders to be included in the report.

Character Graphical Description


Orders/Invoices/Credit memos

To include type O (orders) and I (invoices) orders and credit memos.



To include only quotes.



To include only RMAs.



To include only loans.



To include only rentals.


One letter from the table above. The default is Orders/Invoices/Credit memos


Press <Enter> to accept the default

If you are intending to include history on the report, you must select Orders/Invoices/Credit memos.

Print in order by

Enter the letter corresponding to the sequence in which the report is to be printed.





Order number

To print the report by order number


Customer number

To print the report by customer number


Customer name

To print the report by customer name


Item/Service number

To print the report by item number


Sales rep number

To print the report by sales rep number


Sales rep name

To print the report by sales rep name


Ship date

To print the report by ship date


Order date

To print the report by order date


Select one option from the drop down. The default is Orders/Invoices/Credit memos.


Press <Enter> for the default

Detail or summary

Enter Detail to print item detail, or Summary to print order information only.

If you enter Detail, a report printed in sequence by order number, customer number, customer name, ship date, sales rep number, or sales rep name shows line item detail. For each item on an order, the item number, description, quantity ordered (or credited), unit, quantity to ship (or returned to inventory), quantity back ordered, unit price, and extended price are shown.

A detailed report printed in sequence by item number shows information on each order that contains the item. For each order, the information includes: quantity ordered (or credited), quantity to ship (or returned to inventory), unit, warehouse, unit price, extended price, order number and date, order type, bill-to customer, ship via method and date, sequence number, and sales rep.

If you enter Summary, a report printed in sequence by order number, customer number, customer name, ship date, sales rep number, or sales rep name shows order totals only, with no line item detail.

A summary report printed in sequence by item number shows, for each warehouse, individual item totals from all orders for: quantity ordered, quantity to ship, quantity back ordered, extended price, number of lines, oldest order date, and earliest ship date.


For detail report


For summary report


One letter either D or S. The default is D.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

Show gross profit

Check the box or answer Y to print the approximate dollar margin of each open order (the exact profit margin on each posted order), or leave the box unchecked or answer N if you do not wish the dollar margin to appear.


One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Type Y then press <Enter>.

Include history

Check the box or answer Y to include invoices from A/R history that were originally generated from O/E.


One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Type Y then press <Enter>.

This field is skipped if you selected to print either quotes, RMAs, loans or rentals in field 15.

1 customer number per page

Answer Y to print one record type (order, customer, item number, ship date, or sales rep) per page, or press <Enter> to default to N.

If you answer Y, each new order (customer, etc.) begins on a new page.


One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

If you are using multi-warehousing, the following field appears:


Enter the warehouse for which you want information shown on the report.

In field 19, if you selected Y to print invoice history, then this field will be auto-entered as “All” warehouses and cannot be changed.

Enter a code or you may use one of these options:


For “All” warehouses


For the Central warehouse


Up to two characters


Press <Enter> for Central warehouse

Starting next date

Ending next date

These fields only display if you select an order type of Rentals.

Enter the range of next dates for the rental order type to be included on the report.

You may use the option:


For “Earliest” and “Latest”




Press <F1> at both fields #22 and #23

An order is printed on the report if it falls within the ranges entered in the fields above, and the warehouse for the order is the same as that entered here.

There is a status field that prints on the report with the following indicators:




Open order


Selected for billing


Invoice printed but not posted


Invoice in history

Invoices from history always print as an Invoice type, no matter what they were as an open order transaction.

OK or Cancel

Click on OK to select a printer or click on Cancel to return to the menu.

Field Number To Change ?

Using character mode, make changes as needed. When finished select the <Enter> key to print the Orders Report.

See an Orders by Order Number Detail sample in the Sample Reports appendix

E.D.I. Status Report

Select E.D.I. status report from the Reports menu

The following screen displays:

Character mode

Starting Order #

Enter the order or press <F2> to use the "First" order # of an EDI order.

Ending Order #

Enter the order or press <F2> to use the "Last" order of an EDI order.

Starting document #

Enter the EDI Document number or press <F2> to use the "First" EDI document # of an EDI order.

Ending document #

Enter the EDI Document number or press <F2> to use the "Last" EDI document # of a EDI order.

Status types to include


To include all status types:


To displays the following screen

You then have the option to output the report to a printer, disk file, or the screen.

Enter Y or N to exclude the types of status to output on the report.

In sequence by

Enter the sequence type, either:


Order #


E.D.I. document

Print history details for each order

Enter Y to print the history details for each order. The default is N.

Purge "Deleted/Completed" audit records with no order history

Check the box to purge Deleted/Completed audit records with no order history. The default is unchecked.

You then have the option to output the report to a printer, disk file, or the screen.

Ok or Cancel

Select OK to print the report or Cancel to return to the menu without printing.

E.D.I. Import Errors

The following table lists E.D.I. Import errors:

EDI Import Errors




The 1st record type for an import order is not the Header type.

Audit record missing for order deletion”

Delete type import order not in the trigger EDIAUD file.

Audit status does not allow order deletion”

The order has been already processed (deleted, invoiced, posted, or exported).

Order header record missing for order deletion”

Delete type import order not in the Order Header ORDHDR file.

Order date is not a valid date”

Import order date is not a valid date.

Order ship date is not a valid date”

Import order ship date is not a valid date

Order ship date is before order date”

Import order ship date is earlier than order date.

Customer number not on file”

Customer on the import order does not exist.

Customer name is not the same as master record”

Customer name on the import order does not match master data.

Customer address 1 is not the same as master record”

Customer address 1 on the import order does not match master data.

Customer address 2 is not the same as master record”

Customer address 2 on the import order does not match master data.

Customer city is not the same as master record”

Customer city on the import order does not match master data.

Customer state is not the same as master record”

Customer state on the import order does not match master data.

Customer zip code is not the same as does master record”

Customer zip code on the import order not match master data.

Ship to number not on file”

Ship to number on the import order does not match master data.

Deliver to name is not the same as not master record”

Deliver-to name on the import order does match master data.

Deliver to address 1 is not the same as does master record”

Deliver-to address 1 on the import order not match master data.

Deliver to address 2 is not the same as does master record”

Deliver-to address 2 on the import order not match master data.

Deliver to address 3 is not the same as does master record”

Deliver-to address 3 on the import order not match master data.

Salesman is not on file”

Salesman code on the import order does not exist.

Ship via not on file”

Ship-via code on the import order does not exist.

Ship via description not the same as does master record”

Ship-via description on the import order not match master data.

Terms code not on file”

Terms code on the import order does not exist.

Tax code not on file”

Tax code on the import order does not exist.

Warehouse is not on file”

Warehouse code on the import order does not exist.

Item not on file”

Item number does not exist.

Bar code not on file”

Bar code does not exist.

No such status record on file for item”

Status record missing for item.

Line warehouse not on file”

Warehouse for line item does not exist.

Line ship date is not a valid date”

Line ship date is not a valid date.

Line ship date is before order date”

Line ship date is earlier than order date.

Line ship date is before order ship date”

Line ship date is earlier than order ship date.

Line order unit not on file”

Line order unit does not exist for item.

Line qty ordered is zero or negative”

Line item quantity is zero or negative.

Line price is zero or negative”

Line item price is zero or negative.

Number of order lines has exceeded 1999”

Maximum number of line items (1999) has been exceeded, order must be broken up.

This E.D.I. doc set is incomplete”

The E.D.I. document set for this order is incomplete, there are not line item type records.

This E.D.I. doc set is not in the correct order”

The order of the document types is not in the correct order or the document type is missing.

Customer is over credit limit”

Order customer has exceed their available credit limit.

Order has back ordered items”

One or more of the imported line items has back ordered quantities.

Order has serialized or lot items”

One or more of the imported line items requires the serialization.

E.D.I. Export Errors

The following lists E.D.I. export errors.

E.D.I. Export Errors



Order is missing”

Unposted invoiced order does not exist.

Order type is wrong for export”

Unposted invoiced order type is inconsistent for export. Type is not an I or an O.

Incomplete order”

Unposted order selection code indicates order as incomplete.

Order not selected for billing”

Unposted order selection code indicates order as not selected for billing.

Order selected for billing”

Unposted order selection code indicates order as selected for billing.

Order has no current invoice”

Unposted order has no current invoice.

Order has been invoiced, but not accepted”

Unposted order has been invoiced but not accepted.

Order does not have an invoice date”

Unposted invoiced order missing an invoice date.

Order does not have an invoice number”

Unposted invoiced order missing an invoice number.

Order does not have any lines”

Order does not does not have any line items.

Invoice does not have any lines”

Posted invoice does not have any line items.

Order does not have any invoiced line any items”

Unposted invoiced order does not have line items.

Order was deleted”

Order has been recorded as deleted.